We work on the basic principle of not sharing your personal and professional information with any other person/ party/ business owner or enterprise. We make it a point to respect your privacy and not to disclose your credentials with someone else. The below mentioned points will help you to understand things in a better perspective-

We assume that you have read and accepted all the terms and conditions stated here as follows:

1. Privacy Policy:

We are highly dedicated to protecting your privacy. Your information is confined to us and we do not share it with any third party. Our privacy policy is applicable for our products, site and services. We constantly review our services and data so that we can attain client satisfaction. Our authorized users can only access your information.

2. Confidentiality:

We understand that your information is very important and we assure that it will be kept confidential and therefore will not be shared with any third-party other than our authorized users. The mails sent by the Learn! will be related to our services which will be useful to the clients.

3. Cookies:

Like any other interactive website, we also use cookies to retrieve your information for every visit made on the site. Cookies are used in some of the areas of the site to make it interactive and can be used with an ease by the client.

4. Notification of changes:

The company reserves the rights for updating and changing terms and conditions from time to time as per its requirements. If any changes to our privacy policy should become necessary, they will be posted on the relevant pages of the site. Any changes in policy pertinent to the use of client information will be posted to the clients through e-mails.

5. Copyright notice

All the copyrights and other relevant intellectual property are reserved under company policies. Company’s logo, services, and products are all registered and no misuse of the company information will be entertained.

We hereby assume that you have read and clearly understood the above stated points. In case of occurrence of any problem or inexplicable event, the laws of the state or town will be strictly followed.