
1(246) 231-4274

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About Us

When it comes to delivering education, we do it best.

Educational Software Services was established a few years ago after we realised that there was a paucity of relevant software products to serve the region’s educational system. With all the islands introducing a system of education through computerisation, and through computer technology in the classroom, there developed an automatic need for software programmes that adhere strictly to the syllabi as produced by the regional education ministries. we have been providing online educational services for the past fifteen years. Our many successful students are living proof of our longevity. All of our courses are informed by the revised Bloom's Taxonomy of learning outcomes. We provide just what you need to succeed.

It is a long established fact that business as usual stopped working years ago.

All our courses use a variety of approaches that guarantee the success of every type of learner.

The have eliminated all of the learning activity experienced in the normal classroom.

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